How do I see errors in CodePen?

Red dots in the sidebar , indicating the errored file and all folders that contain it. That way if a file is a few levels deep, you’ll always be able to follow the dots down to find it. In the new logs, which show you the complete error output and includes a button to jump to that file.

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Can I use CodePen code for free?

The gist of it is open source. Anyone can use the code you put on CodePen for whatever they wish – but if they do – that code also must have this same license . This is to encourage open sharing of code. Remember that any code you post on CodePen should be compatible with this license or it is subject to removal.

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Can I use CodePen code for free?

The gist of it is open source. Anyone can use the code you put on CodePen for whatever they wish – but if they do – that code also must have this same license . This is to encourage open sharing of code. Remember that any code you post on CodePen should be compatible with this license or it is subject to removal.

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