Can I teach myself photography?

Photography is more accessible than it’s ever been. While there still are traditional routes to learn about photography through college classes and the like, more-and-more people are teaching themselves. Given the number of resources available (both free and paid ones), you can learn about photography on your own .

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Can you do a photography course online?

The course is suitable if you are completely new to photography and it does not assume any knowledge of photographic techniques or digital photo-editing skills . It will also appeal if you are an amateur photographer wanting to top up your skills and be part of an online community sharing and improving your photographs.

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What is basic photography course?

It is a weekend program where you learn how to create stunning images with your mirrorless or a DSLR camera . We make our learners experience photography through the appropriate use of Technology. Learn the photography techniques to shoot better photos, from the pioneer photography Academy in Chennai.

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