How fast is 5G speed test?

The Q3 2021 5G Median Performance Worldwide report found a global average 5G speed of 166.12Mbps , which is 13% lower than the 206.22Mbps recorded during the same tests in the year-ago quarter. Corresponding upload speeds, meanwhile, fell to 21.08Mbps, a 39% drop from the 29.52Mbps seen in Q3 2020.

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Why is my Wi-Fi 5G so slow?

A 5GHz wireless LAN will almost always be slower than 2.4 GHz – the 5GHz frequencies are subject to greater attenuation so that you end up with a weaker signal at the same distance . Given the same levels of noise, a weaker signal results in a lower SNR (signal-to-noise ratio) and a lower quality connetcion.

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Who is nPerf?

About nPerf, about us nPerf is collecting several million tests and billions of mobile network coverage measures per year . The nPerf server network is made up of more than 1400 servers worldwide with a total bandwidth of more than 5 Tb/s.

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