How much is CO2 per kWh?

In 2020, total U.S. electricity generation by the electric power industry of 4.01 trillion kilowatthours (kWh) from all energy sources resulted in the emission of 1.55 billion metric tons—1.71 billion short tons—of carbon dioxide (CO2). This equaled about 0.85 pounds of CO2 emissions per kWh.

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How do you calculate CO2 emissions?

Estimate the total number of miles you drive per month and then divide this number by the total miles per gallon your car gets . This number will be the total gallons of gas you use in a month. Multiply that number by 19.4 pounds of carbon to get your total carbon emissions from driving.

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What does it mean to be carbon free?

A Carbonfree® Certification simply means that a product has undergone a Life Cycle Assessment to calculate the total carbon footprint over the entire lifespan of that product, reduced that footprint where possible, and then had the remaining emissions offset through carbon reduction projects.

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What is a carbon free diet?

Sometimes called the “low-carbon diet,” this approach involves cutting down on meat and dairy, as well as eating locally and seasonally and reducing packaging and food waste . Experts say these actions can lower our personal carbon footprint and, collectively, slow the speed of climate change.

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