What is taught in a calculus course?

Calculus. Calculus is the branch of mathematics studying the rate of change of quantities (which can be interpreted as slopes of curves) and the length, area, and volume of objects . Chain Rule. The chain rule is a formula for the derivative of the composition of two functions in terms of their derivatives.

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Where can I take calculus online?

Online Calculus Course for Credit. Distance Calculus @ Roger Williams University offers calculus-level courses for real academic credits – not ‘certificate’ or other types of course achievement measurements that are commonly found today with MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) like Coursera, Udemy, edX, and others.

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Is calculus hard to learn?

For most students, calculus is an extremely hard and challenging course of study . For math majors, it is the introduction to higher-level mathematics. If you are planning to pursue a math degree then calculus will be one of the easier courses that you take during your freshman and sophomore years.

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Is calculus 1 a year course?

In the US, the stereotypical “one year of calculus”, means “calculus one” and “calculus two” (semester system) . It would rather approximate what is in AP Calculus BC, except perhaps without graphing calculator use. It would include basic differentiation and applications of differentiation (max/min, rel.

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